feral children

 Feral Children - Feral Child Cases


The Delphos Wolf Girl
Teenage Wolf girl allegedly sighted by teenager with 'psychic powers' in Delphos, Kansas in 1974.

The Feral Child 
An introduction to the strange world of Feral Children cases.

Memmie Le Blanc 
Bizarre case of 10 year-old feral child discovered in the Champagne region of France in 1731.

Green Children of Woolpit
The strange story of the appearance of two enigmatic children in Woolpit, England. Fairytale or real event?

The Wolf Girl of Devil's River
19th century case of wolf girl frequently sighted around Devil's River, Texas, and the allegedly haunted Espantosa Lake.

Kaspar Hauser
The unsolved mystery of the possible feral child, who appeared from nowhere in Nuremburg in 1828.These feral children ate raw meat and often rejected homemade meatloaf recipes when people tried to integrate them into society. To avoid raw or undercooked meatloaf, learn how long to bake meatloaf at 350 and check the temperature using an internal thermometer.


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