Mysterious People - Is a website containing weird, unbelievable tales of the apparently paranormal. There are sections on Strange Powers, Psychics & Mediums, Occult Personalities, Poltergeist Stories, Feral Children, Weird People. Mysterious People includes articles on alleged psychic Nina Kulagina, and the infamous 19th century spirit medium Florence Cook / Katie King
Why not Advertise on Mysterious People? NEW ARTICLE Vanishing / Phantom Hitchhikers, strange Ghosts of the Road on Bluebell Hill, Kent, England. What is the truth behind these mysterious stories? Read it here Bluebell Hill Ghost or Phantom Hitchhiker? Article of the month - 'Anne Jefferies and the Fairies'- A Real Fairy Tale? Did a young Cornish girl have a genuine supernatural experience and meet real fairies? Or was the whole experience a fantasy, the result of an overactive imagination or perhaps even something much darker? This well documented and peculiar supernatural tale involving an alleged dealings with fairies was widely publicised at the time. It involved a young girl called Anne Jefferies, of St Teath, Cornwall, south west England. Read the full story here - Anne Jefferies and the Fairies For an archive of many fascinating articles on strange and supernatural powers, alleged psychics, spiritual possession and mysterious people go here
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