
Mysterious People - Bibliography

Bain, Donald. The Control of Candy
Jones. Chicago,
Playboy Press, 1976. (reissued by Barricade books in 2002 as The
CIAs Control of Candy Jones, with new introduction by Bain).
The book on
Candy Jones based largely on the hypno-regression tapes of Long John Nebel.
Bates, Walter. Henry More Smith. The
Mysterious Stranger. New Brunswick, Non-Entity Press, 1979 (1817). The story
of Smith / Moon written by a man who knew him well - the High Sheriff of Kings
County, New Brunswick.
Cavendish, Richard (ed). The
Encyclopedia of the Unexplained. London &
Henley. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1974. Subtitled 'Magic,
Occultism and
Parapsychology' covers all aspects of the 'paranormal' and includes
an excellent bibliography.
Clark, Jerome. Unexplained.
(2nd edition) Detroit, London, Visible Ink, 2000. Reasonable collection of
Crowe, Catherine. The Night Side of
Hertfordshire, Wordsworth Editions Ltd; London, The
Folklore Society. 2000 (1848). Classic Victorian account of
ghosts and poltergeists with details of the Anglique Cottin case.
Dash, Mike. Borderlands.
London, Arrow Books, 1997. Well researched and referenced, and often very
sceptical compendium of strange
happenings, weird creatures and odd people. Has details of Delphos UFO case and
brief reference to Eleonore Zugun.
David-Neel, Alexandra. Magic
and Mystery in Tibet. Dover
Publications Inc.,1971 (1932). David-Neel's absorbing account of her incredible
journeys includes interesting descriptions of various aspects of Tibetan
religion and mysticism.
Edwards, Frank. Strange
People. London, Pan Books. 1966. Fascinating
but untrustworthy collection of assorted unusual,
weird and odd people. Has articles on
J. Raoul Derosiers, Lulu Hurst, Mollie Fancher, A.W. Underwood, Edgar Cayce.
Fort, Charles. The Complete Books of
Charles Fort. New York, Dover, 1974. A wealth of strange
information and happenings in this one volume edition of the four books written
by pioneer investigator of the unexplained Charles Fort. Has references to
Princess Caraboo, Kaspar Hauser, Anglique Cottin, A.W. Underwood, and many more unusual people.
Fortune, Dion. Psychic
Self-Defence. London, S.I.L.
(Trading) Ltd., 1997 (1930). Do's and don'ts in the world of the
Fortune, Dion The Mystical Qabalah. London, Ernest
Benn Ltd., 1979 (1935). Classic overview of the Hebrew occult system.
Foster, Barbara and Michael. The
Secret Lives of Alexandra David-Neel.
New York, The Overlook Press, 1998. The most
reliable modern account in English of Alexandra's extraordinary life.
Gauld, Alan, Cornell, A.D. Poltergeists.
London, Boston and Henley, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. Reference work on
poltergeists with a thorough treatment of the Eleonore Zugun case.
Gordon, S. The Paranormal. An
Illustrated Encyclopedia. London, Headline, 1992.
Collection includes short articles on Alexandra David-Neel,
Dion Fortune and John Cowper Powys.
Gordon, S. The Book of
London, Headline, 1996. Another useful collection, short
biographical articles on Sarah Wilson (taken from E. Larson's book), Princess Caraboo and more.
Gould, R. Oddities. A
Book of Unexplained Facts. New York, University Books, 1965.
Collection of 'true mysteries' originally published in 1928 and revised in
1944. Source for information about Bottineau; also has an excellent piece on
The Devil's Hoof-Marks.
Grantmyre, B. Lunar Rogue.
New Brunswick, Brunswick Press, 1963. Book telling the story of Henry More Smith
/ Henry Frederick Moon based partly on Walter Bates' Mysterious Stranger,
but with some of the author's own research added.
Gutch, J.M. Caraboo:
A Narrative of a Singular Imposition. London, 1817. (Click on the title to go to
hypertext version of the book at Mr Xs Fortean site).
Inglis, Brian. The
Paranormal - An Encyclopedia of Psychic Phenomena. London. Granada publishing,
1985. Wide coverage of the topic with useful bibliography.
Inglis, Brian. Natural
and Supernatural - A History of the Paranormal. Bridport:
Prism Press, 1992. History of the paranormal from earliest times
to 1914, written by a believer, includes an exhaustive bibliography.
Larson, E. The
London, John Baker,1966. Various hoaxers and impostors - has
article on Princess Caraboo, Cagliostro, and is the only source I know of for Sarah Wilson.
Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff.
Lost Prince: The Unsolved
Mystery of Kaspar Hauser. The Free Press, New York, 1996. Definitive
recent study of Kaspar Hauser, suggesting he was the lost Prince of Baden.
Newton, M. Savage Girls and Wild
Boys. London, Faber and Faber, 2002. Up to date collection of
feral children accounts - excellent articles on Memmie Le Blanc and Kaspar
Playfair, Guy Lyon. The Indefinite
Boundary. London, Souvenir Press, 1976.
Sometimes disturbing journey
into the realm of the supernatural, especially
poltergeists. The source for Maria Jos Ferreira case.
Raison, J. and Goldie, M.
The Servant
Girl Princess: The Real Story of the Grand Hoax.
Moreton-in-Marsh, The Windrush Press,1994.
Tells the story of Princess Caraboo using
factual information mixed with fictionalised letters and diaries. Useful but
occasionally confusing as to what's fiction and what's real.
Reader's Digest. The Reader's Digest
Book of Strange Stories, Amazing Facts. London, 1976. Collection
of readable but rarely reliable accounts, includes short pieces on Kaspar Hauser and
Charles Waterton, amongst others. Good introduction to the subject but read with
Sieveking, P.
'Wild Things'. Fortean Times 161, August
Sitwell, Edith. English Eccentrics.
Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1971. Sitwell's article on Princess
Caraboo contains minor errors, also has a piece on Charles Waterton, written in
Sitwell's own rather eccentric style.
Spence, Lewis. The Encyclopedia of
the Occult. Bracken Books, London, 1988 (1920).
Dated but useful collection of occult material, including
Spencer, John & Anne. The Poltergeist
Phenomenon. London, Headline. 1997. Investigation into the
Tabori, Paul.
Harry Price - Ghost-Hunter.
London, Sphere Books 1974. (1950).
Contains factual
errors but still an entertaining read.
Wells, J. Princess Caraboo: Her True
London, Pan Books,1994. Excellent account of
the author's fascination with and search for the real Princess Caraboo, containing
some absorbing discoveries.
Wilson, Colin. The Occult.
Albans, Mayflower Books, 1973. Wilson's most entertaining non-fiction book and an
overview of the occult, with references to Dion Fortune, Alexandra David Neel, Anglique
Cottin and other mysterious people.
Wilson, Colin. Poltergeist! A Study in Destructive
Haunting. Sevenoaks,
Kent, New English Library. 1982. Absorbing but limited study of the
poltergeist, includes discussions of Anglique Cottin and Eleonore Zugun cases.
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