
and Mediums
Florence Cook and
Katie King: The Story of a Spiritualist Medium
The story of 19th century
physical medium. Florence Cook and her 'spirit control' Katie King is a
controversial one to say the least. Allegedly the possessor of psychic
abilities from a young age, Cook was to become famous in Victorian Spiritualist
circles and beyond for producing the full materialisation of the spirit 'Katie King'
in front of numerous witnesses and for undergoing methodical testing of
her alleged psychic abilities by
the eminent scientist Sir William
Crookes. However, the genuineness of Cook's mediumistic abilities and the
objectivity of Crookes investigations have been called into question by some
researchers who view the behaviour of both the medium and the scientist
as highly questionable.
Early 'Psychic Abilities'
Born on 3 June, 1856, Florence Cook came from a
respectable working class home in Hackney, east London. In
poor health since childhood, she
had apparently always possessed psychic abilities, and was able to see spirits and hear the disembodied voices of angels,
though little notice was taken of
this within the Cook family.
After the age
of fourteen Florence began going into trances in front of the family and
soon began to develop her own peculiar psychic gift, initially at
informal seances held in the family house and in the house of a friend. According to
Florence Cook's own account published in The Spiritualist in May
1872, an array of
incredible psychic phenomena occurred at these table
turning sessions. Objects flew around the room, loud rappings were
heard, tables were levitated and flung against the wall, and Florence
herself was lifted up to the ceiling and carried over the sitters. We do
only have Florence's description of these psychic wonders, but the
similarity of the phenomena to poltergeist
activity is interesting.
During one of these seances
Florence received a 'spirit message' which she proceed to note down in
mirror writing, which explained that she should make contact with
a nearby Spiritualist group called the Dalston Association of Enquirers into
Spiritualism. Florence's psychic abilities and mediumship developed as she gave impressive seances for
the Dalton Society and she acquired some fame as a medium when Thomas
Blyton, secretary of the Dalton Spiritualists, wrote an account of her
mediumistic and psychic powers which was published in the June 1871 issue of The
In January 1872, Florence allegedly
became the focus for unexplained happenings in the school where she
worked as an assistant teacher. Apparently the
school owner Miss Eliza Cliff was reluctantly obliged to terminate
her employment due to the effect the strange phenomena were having on the pupils.
One of Florence Cook's alleged psychic
specialities at her seances was to produce 'spirit faces'. Making use of a substantial
cupboard in the breakfast room of the family house as her 'spirit
cabinet' (a name used among Victorian Spiritualists for the medium's
workspace), Florence would enter into a trance state to build up her
psychic energies, and then produce her ghostly faces through a hole cut
towards the top of cupboard door. These faces, clad in white linen, would
peer through the aperture despite the medium being bound securely to a
chair with ropes around her neck, waist and wrists.
The Appearance of Katie
It was at one of these seances, in
summer 1872, that the floating spirit face of Katie King first appeared. The
'entity' or 'spirit' known as Katie King was somewhat of a spiritual
world celebrity, first making herself known at the very beginnings
of American Spiritualism in the early 1850s, at seances
with mediums such as the Davenport
Brothers and the Koons family, among others. Katie
was allegedly the spirit of Annie Owen Morgan, the daughter of an
historical 17th century Welsh pirate called Henry Owen Morgan (1635-1688),
known in the spirit
world as John King. In her earthly incarnation she had apparently died
young, around 22 or 23 years old, after committing a series of
crimes which included murder. She may have been executed for her offenses, since as any Cincinnati criminal defense lawyer should know, the death penalty was a common punishment for even minor crimes. She had, she claimed, returned to convince
the world of the truth of Spiritualism in an attempt to expiate her
earthly sins.
Katie King
promised to remain with Florence Cook for a period of three years,
during which many extraordinary things would be shown to the world. It
took approximately a year after the first appearance of the death-like face of
Katie King for Florence the develop her mediumship enough for King to
manifest her full spirit form in front of the sitters, but after this
was achieved, Katie
allegedly appeared almost daily, walking casually around the house of the Cook family.
There are numerous eye-witness
accounts of what happened at Florence Cook's seances. Generally, after
the medium was positioned inside her spirit cabinet, the sitters would
wait, occasionally for as long as 30 or 40 minutes, for the appearance of
Katie, ashen faced and clad in flowing white robes, from behind the
curtain. She would walk freely among the sitters, even allowing them to
touch her, as her medium apparently lay unconscious in the cabinet. An
important detail noted by sitters at some of these seances is that while
Katie King was walking around the room, sounds variously described as
sobbing, moaning (heard by renowned chemist Sir William Crookes) and even
scratching (heard by British medium and religious teacher Stainton
Moses) were heard coming from behind the curtain. This of course suggests that
Florence had a well-concealed confederate inside the spirit
cabinet, though this was never proven. Naturally there are going to be people that would question these accounts, believing that it was a very well done hoax through some sort of trickery. There were many doubters, A.N. Askaroff was perhaps the most voiciferous.
Russian aristocrat and psychical
researcher A.N. Aksakoff (1832-1903) reported on a seance he attended at
the Cook family home on 22 October 1873 (see G. Zorab in sources below). Before the
seance began
Florence Cook, who was sitting in a chair behind a curtain in a corner
of the room, had her hands bound individually with twined tape and
the knots sealed by a Mr. J.C. Luxmoore, J.P., who was in charge of the seance. Her hands were then drawn behind her back and tied together
with the ends of the same piece of rope, the knots once again being
sealed. Finally Luxmoore bound Florence again using 'a long piece of
tape which was drawn outside the cabinet curtains and then under and
through a copper staple nailed to the floor and finally fastened to the
table, beside which Mr. Luxmoore was sitting.' Consequently if Florence
got up from her chair there would be an obvious tug on the tape fastened
to the table.
After 15 minutes the figure
of Katie King appeared close to the curtain, clad as usual entirely in white, and with hands and arms bare. She held short conversations with
Mr. Luxmoore and various other sitters, including Aksakoff, who summoned
up enough courage to ask 'Can't you show me your medium?' to which Katie replied:
"Yes, certainly, come here very quickly and have a
look!' Aksakoff rose immediately from his chair, took five
steps and reached the curtain. But the white figure had completely
disappeared, and as he looked inside the curtain he saw a figure
sitting in a dark corner wearing a black silk dress. The moment he
returned to his seat Katie King appeared standing next to the curtain
and asked if he was satisfied. But Aksakoff was not convinced that it
was indeed Florence Cook he had seen and asked to examine the medium in
better light.
His request granted, the
Russian aristocrat grabbed a lamp and within seconds was behind the
curtain. Again the white-clad figure had instantly disappeared and
Aksakoff found himself alone with Florence Cook who:
. . . in a deep trance, was sitting on a chair, with both her hands
bound fast behind her back. The light, shining on the medium's face
started to produce its usual effect, i.e. the medium began to sigh and
to awake. Behind the curtain an interesting dialogue started between the
medium, becoming more and more awake, and Katie who wanted to put her
medium to sleep again. But Katie had to give way, she said Goodbye,
and then silence followed.'
At the end of the seance
Aksakoff checked that all the bindings, knots and seals were still
intact, and in fact had some difficulty in cutting Florence free with
scissors which barely fitted underneath the tape, so tightly had it been
wrapped around her hands. Aksakoff attended a second seance with
Florence Cook on 28 October, this time at the house of Luxmoore, and again witnessed
the appearance of Katie King. Once more, if the account of Count
Aksakoff can be trusted, and if Cook did not have an accomplice
hidden away somewhere, then it is very difficult to escape the
conclusion that a genuine phenomenon occurred at these two seances.
As word of Florence's physical mediumship spread and prominent members
of society witnessed the manifestations she received the patronage of a
Manchester businessman called Charles Blackburn. As Florence never asked
money for her seances she was glad of Blackburn's financial backing,
which allowed her to demonstrate her mediumship whenever required.
The Volckman 'Exposure'
With the Katie King manifestations
Florence Cook had become the first British medium to allegedly
materialize a spirit form in good light. However, on the night of 9
December, 1873, her reputation as a physical medium received a blow from
which it never fully recovered. One of the sitters at this particular
Hackney session was a Spiritualist and investigator named William
According to Volckman, after he had carefully
observed the spirit of Katie King, dressed
completely in ghostly white as she paraded around the room, he noted
the startling resemblance between the medium and the so-called spirit. Hoping to
prove his theory correct in dramatic fashion Volckman sprang up from his chair
and 'grasped the spirit'. In the confusion which followed three of the
other sitters took hold of Volckman, who received a scratched nose and
lost part of his beard in the struggle, while the 'spirit' escaped back
into the cabinet. When everything had calmed down, apparently after a
period of about five minutes, the curtain was pulled back. There the
sitters found Florence in a considerably agitated condition, but still
clad in the black dress and boots which she had been wearing at
the beginning of the seance, and bound to the chair with
the same tape which had been used to confine her. The knot in the tape,
which had been sealed with
the signet ring of the Earl of Caithness, one of the sitters, was still
intact. A subsequent search of Florence Cook revealed no trace of the
white robes Katie King had been seen wearing.
Despite the fact that Florence was discovered still bound to her chair,
Volckman's evidence for imposture still seems rather suggestive, and to Trevor Hall and many
researchers it is conclusive proof that her claims to psychic and
mediumistic abilities were based on fraud. However,
there is much more to this incident than Hall et al ever realised or
bothered to research. The Volckman exposure needs to be seen against the
background of the violent jealousy of another medium called Mrs. Guppy,
a woman with an unnatural hatred of young mediums in general, but of Florence Cook in particular.
from unpublished contemporary documents R.G. Medhurst and K.M. Goldney
(see sources below) have found evidence of what may be termed a 'Guppy
Plot'. In essence this consisted of a startling plan which involved a group of
sitters, including William Volckman, who were to be hired to attend one of Florence
Cook's seances. When a favourable moment arose during the psychic manifestations, one of the group was to throw vitriol (acid) into the face of the
supposed spirit, and thus, they assumed, destroy forever the pretty features of
Guppy's bitterest rival Florence
Another interesting fact relating to
the exposure, and supporting the idea of some kind of plot, is that after Mr. Guppy passed away, William
Volckman married Mrs.
Guppy. However, despite the motives of Volckman, it is still a fact
that he grabbed hold of Florence posing as the spirit Katie King. Or is
it? We only have Volckman's word that what he grasped was indeed the
flesh and blood Florence Cook rather than the ethereal Katie King. After
the exposure Volckman stated that 'no third parties had any knowledge of
my invitation to, or presence at, the seance in question.' As we have
already seen this was an outright lie. In contrast to Volckman's
statement that Katie had to be forcibly removed from his grasp, other
sitters attested that Katie
glided out of Mr. Volckman's grip, and subsequently seemed to dematerialize. One
witness described her movement as being akin to that of 'a seal in
So, although the so-called Volckman exposure does cast a huge shadow over the mediumship of
Florence Cook, it is clear that Volckman was far from the disinterested
witness he claimed to be. If the motive for his actions was to show
Florence to be a fraud by whatever means necessary, which seems to have
been the case, this should cast at least some doubt on his testimony,
though of course it still remains a telling indictment of Cook and her
'psychic abilities'.
Copyright 2006
by Brian Haughton. All Rights Reserved.
Part 1
| Part 2