Hypnosis, mind control

Candy Jones - Hypnosis & Mind Control?

Part 1 | Part 2


The Spying Missions

Hypnosis, mind control. Candy Jones at the height of her modelling careerIn the beginning Candy's missions were simply to carry messages, Jensen would phone her but rarely spoke, what she normally heard was a sequence of electronic sounds which set off a reaction within her. From this signal to her subconscious she knew that she had to call Jensen, through a New York telephone exchange, at his office in Oakland, then she would receive her instructions verbally.

In Autumn,1966, Candy took the first of her two, possibly three, trips to Taiwan for CIA. She delivered a letter and it seems the trip went well and she had a pleasant stay. However, on her second trip to Taiwan, things were different and she was apparently tortured with electrodes, perhaps to obtain extra information or even, as Bain suggests, as part of Jensen's tests, in order to obtain real proof that he had created the perfect messenger, who would not reveal secrets even under torture. The use of electrodes for torture is mentioned in Dr. G.H. Estabrooks groundbreaking book Hypnotism, where he states that 15 volts of current would cause extreme pain, and 20 would be unbearable. However, a good hypnotic subject in deep trance could endure 60 or even 120 volts without much problem. 

But Candy was unhappy with her occasional employment for the government and wanted to leave, a difficult thing to do under the circumstances. Jensen had much to fear - not only that Candy might at some time expose the project, but the possibility that Candy had picked up other confidential information along the way which would be harmful to Jensen and those he worked for.

The Ultimate in Mind Control

So Jensen planned to have Candy commit suicide. The date and place were set, December 1972, in Nassau, in the Bahamas. It was to be, as far as Candy/Arlene was concerned, another mission. She would receive a call at her hotel in Nassau, and this call would bring Arlene into action. But then, instead of picking up a letter to deliver, she would walk to a steep cliff overlooking the sea, and jump. 

Fortunately, it was not to be, Candy's marriage to Nebel on December 31,1972, meant she didn't take the trip to the Bahamas, although it seems this wasn't the end of Jensen's control over her. Indeed, Candy thought she had been followed by the same man since early in 1972, just after she told Jensen she was leaving for good. Bain also thinks it probable that Jensen or the CIA had contacted Candy after her marriage to Nebel. Nebel seems to have believed this, and told Bain that he was going to kill Jensen, but Bain managed to persuade him against it.

A few years after Bain's book was published, in 1978, Long John Nebel died of cancer. In July 1980 there was a gas explosion in Candy's apartment building in New York, in which several residents were injured, Candy among them. She suffered a broken neck and sued the landlord for $20 million and Consolidated Edison for $80 million in punitive damages. On 18th January, 1990, Candy Jones died of cancer, aged 64, at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York.

Is this incredible story true? Were Lee Harvey Oswald, Mark Chapman, James Earl Ray, and others indications that other 'doctors' like Jensen were at work in America? In a recent article (see Sources below) Karl T. Pflock suggests that the whole thing may in fact have been an invention, and that Nebel induced false memories in his wife, and brought them out later to record on tape. Bain's book was based only on these tapes, Pflock says, so it cannot be relied upon. He even questions whether the tapes ever existed at all. However, in the February issue of Fortean Times Bain makes it clear that the tapes were heard on national radio and TV at the time of the publication of his book, and that researcher and author John Marks had spent a day with him listening to them. 

MK-ULTRA & Disinformation

Pflock also mentions a conversation author Jim Moseley had with Candy where she told him she couldn't remember anything of these traumatic events. He accepts that Candy could have delivered messages for the FBI and US military intelligences, mentioning that at the time many Americans did so, and may have told Nebel about it. This information, along with contemporary disclosures and rumours about the CIA's ill-fated MK-ULTRA mind-control programme, the disturbing 1962 film The Manchurian Candidate, and public concern about the 'Big Brother' style activities of the government, Pflock thinks gave Nebel the idea to invent the whole Candy Jones super spy story for his own profit. 

He does suggest, as an alternative, that Nebel, Candy and Bain may have been involved - though possibly not all three intentionally - in a CIA or other intelligence organisation disinformation project to persuade the Soviets, Red Chinese or others that MK-ULTRA and other projects had succeeded, and America did indeed possess super spies who could be controlled at will. However, there is still the additional evidence of the passport photo of Arlene/Candy, and Bain's interview with Joe Vergara and the letter from William Williams, detailing her worries about disappearing suddenly and her fears for her life. These indicate, at the very least, that the whole thing was not an invention of Nebel, and tend to point towards the general truth of Bain's book.

Multiple Personalities

There is also some precedence for aspects of Candy's case. In his book Poltergeist! (see Sources below) Colin Wilson describes the multiple-personality case of Doris Fischer, investigated in 1910 by Walter Franklin Prince. While Doris was serious and quiet, a second personality (there were others who appeared over the years) called Margaret was lively and mischievous. While Margaret knew everything about Doris, Doris knew nothing about Margaret until she told her, using her own voice. Another young girl, Christine Beauchamp, was being treated by psychiatrist Morton Prince for general depression and fatigue. He tried to hypnotise her but only succeeded in bringing out 'Sally', a physically strong and sometimes malicious personality, almost the opposite of the feeble Christine. When Christine travelled to New York to take a secretarial job, Sally got off the train at New Haven and got a job as a waitress. Again, the main personality Christine, knew nothing of what happened while Sally was in control, but Sally knew everything that went on in Christine's mind. He mentions too that the majority of multiple personality cases begin with a bad shock - with Doris Fischer it was being thrown to the ground at the age of three by a drunken father. Could Candy's double personality have started with a traumatic experience such as her father crushing her fingers in a nutmeg grater?

However it started, did the shadowy 'Jensen' bring out and cruelly exploit this dual personality using mind control techniques for the government and his own ends? Or is the whole supermodel-as-spy story sheer fiction, more a product of the imagination of Long John Nebel than of something sinister buried deep in the subconscious of Candy Jones? 

Sources and Further Reading

Bain, Donald. The Control of Candy Jones. Chicago, Playboy Press, 1976. 
(Reissued in 2002 by Barricade books as The CIA's Control of Candy Jones  with a new introduction by Bain) 

Bain, Donald. 'Bain versus Pflock'. Fortean Times 167, February 2003, p47.

Bennet, Colin. 'Manchurian Candy'. Fortean Times 148, July 2001. 

Pflock, Karl T. 'Radio Control', Fortean Times 165, December 2002. 

Wilson, Colin.  Poltergeist! A Study in Destructive Haunting. Sevenoaks, Kent, New English Library. 1982, pp 60-67.

Copyright 2003 by Brian Haughton. All Rights Reserved.


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